High Speed
You will need an Ethernet card/port installed in your computer. You may not need an Ethernet card in your computer if you are providing a wireless network within your home or business.
DRN’s broadband service does not require a modem. Your router will be able to connect directly to the provided Internet jack.
There are several possible reasons your Internet connection may appear to be slow. The first thing you should do is to run a speed test (http://www.speedtest.net/ ) to determine if the problem is the connection or your PC. If the speed test results are good, then the problem should be internal to your PC. There may be software running that is interfering with your Internet connection in a way that causes the system to respond slowly, which makes your Internet experience appear to be slow.
If the speed test results are lower than you believe they should be, please contact our Internet technical support for assistance.
- The first thing you should do is shutdown any programs on your computer that are not necesasary to your Internet connection (word processors, spreadsheets, Games, etc…) and attempt to connect again.
- If the problem persists, you should reboot your computer and try again.
- If the problem persists, you should reboot any equipment used to provide your Internet service as follows:
a. If you have a network, reboot any internal network equipment and ensure correct operations before proceeding.
b. Reboot any firewalls or wireless routers. After the device has fully rebooted, check to see if service is restored. - If the problem persists, please make note of the error message you are getting before calling support so they can more quickly and accurately solve the issue for you.